This presentation will look at stamps issued by post offices across the world to celebrate Methodism and its history. It will also look at envelopes and postmarks created by philatelists to mark significant events or people in Methodist history. Where countries have been less than generous in philatelic recognition, the presentation will touch on significant Methodists who have featured on stamps. The presentation will begin with these islands, where Guernsey, Isle of Man and Republic of Ireland have celebrated Methodist history very well philatelically, while British philatelists have more than made up for their lack of post office stamps with the issue of ‘first day covers’ for every British Conference since at least 1969.
Brian Callan is a Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society of London and in 2019 became the 29th signatory of the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists in Ireland. He has exhibited philately related to Cork, Irish and British postal stationery, polar exploration and Zeppelin airships, being awarded 42 gold medals across thirteen countries. Now retired, he was GlaxoSmithKline Vice President Quality Improvement, North America, Japan & Product Supply. He is a member of Cork Methodist Church, and a local preacher.