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Become a member

To become a member please fill in your details below or click here to download our application form.

    Surname or Library/Institution name


    First Name(s)


    Post/Zip code



    E-mail Address

    Data Protection Act (s): The personal information that you give will be used for the following purposes: Administration of your membership of the Society. Publication in the Society’s list of members. Used in a mailing list for the distributing of the Society’s Bulletin and other publications. Your e-mail address maybe used for communications from the Society. Please tick here if you wish to opt out


    Members may pay by banker’s order, by cheque (made payable to The Methodist Historical Society of Ireland)
    or by cash. Current annual subscription rates are:

    UK and Ireland—Personal: £15/€20* Student rate £5/€6
    * Two members sharing the same address may apply for Family Membership: £20/€25
    UK and Ireland—Institutional: £20/€25
    Overseas—Personal: £25: Institutional £30.

    Overseas payments may be paid by PayPal—details from the Secretary: secretary@methodisthistoryireland.org

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