Detail from the Rev. William Smith’s edition of ‘Sacred Harmony’, a tune book for Irish Methodist churches, published Dublin 1810
‘“Sacred Harmony” in Irish Methodism’: An illustrated lecture.
Professor Desmond Hunter
Friday 20 October 2017 at Edgehill 7.30
The tune book entitled Sacred Harmony, compiled by William Smith and published in Dublin in 1810, sheds some light on hymn singing in Irish Methodism in the early decades of the nineteenth century. The lecture will explore the significance of this publication, the singing practices evidenced and the survival of the settings in Methodist hymnals from the second half of the nineteenth century. Illustrations will be provided by Musicus Amicos singers directed by Philip Prosser.
Desmond Hunter, Emeritus Professor of Music at the Ulster University, studied at the Royal Academy of Music, London, the Royal Flemish Conservatoire, Antwerp, and NUI, Cork. A distinguished organ recitalist, he has given solo concerts throughout Europe, the USA and Canada and broadcast many programmes on BBC Radio 3. His publications in musicology and pedagogy include two edited volumes, book chapters and a range of journal articles.