Dr David Gallagher
In person and online Zoom lecture
During the worst years of the ‘Troubles’ in Northern Ireland a group of Protestant clergy and laymen controversially extended overtures to the IRA seeking to initiate conversations that might lead to a cessation of hostilities. The first of these occurred at Feakle, Co Clare in 1974 and led to a temporary ceasefire. Those who participated in these and subsequent talks were widely condemned and misunderstood. Ian Paisley dubbed them ‘The Fickle Feakle clergy’. Among those who played a key role at Feakle and subsequently were Methodist participants, acting at times through confidential contacts and meetings, and in the post ceasefire period with the approval of an arm of the Methodist Church – The Council of Social Responsibility. Building on the legacy of Feakle, this lecture takes a critical look at the Methodist contribution to the peace process up to the signing of the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement in 1998.
Dr David Gallagher has been a member of the Methodist Church in Ireland’s Council on Social Responsibility since 1986 and was the Northern Executive’s Lay Secretary from 1990 – 2003.